Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Acai_Berry_Diet & My Quick/ Weight Loss Diet Story before and after pics

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Acai_Berry_Diet & My Quick/ Weight Loss Diet Story before and after pics

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How to Use Cinnamon Benefits for FAST Weight Loss for Women & Men

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How to Use Cinnamon Benefits for FAST Weight Loss for Women & Men

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A Big Reason Why You're Not Losing Fat On Your Weight Loss Diet

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Interview With Craig Ballantyne, Strength & Conditioning Coach

Interview with Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc. is a Strength and Conditioning Coach in Toronto, author of Turbulence Training, a contributing author to Men's Health magazine, and a member of the Training Advisory Board for maximum fitness and Oxygen magazines.

Craig's fat loss, muscle building websites feature his best-selling Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program and his membership site offers access to all of Craig's Trubulence Training workouts and video clips (for athletes, men, women, mass-building, and bodyweight-only workouts) and discussion forums.

Craig also has an advanced research background, which makes him a foremost resource to help improve client's health and wellness as well as their physical and mental performance.

P1: Hey Craig, first of all thank-you for taking time out of your schedule to talk with us. Can you let the readers know about your educational background, certificates, in the trenches knowledge, etc.? (We want to know the true Craig Ballantyne!)

CB: I live up in Toronto, Canada. You'd hate the winters Kenny, but it's a good


I spent 6 years in Hamilton, near Toronto, at a place called McMaster

University, ultimately getting my Master's Degree in exercise Physiology, as

well as becoming a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist.

That's where I spent most of my time with athletes, working with Rugby

players, a few hockey players, and some basketball and soccer players. Lots

of fun training for those sports.

I used my research background and experience training athletes to come up

with my Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program, taking a much different

approach to fat loss compared to the ineffective slow-cardio, low-intensity

programs that are still popular.

P1: How have your degrees and certifications helped advance your professional career?

CB: Unlike many coaches, I'm a big believer in formal education for trainers. I

think most of the fads, silly equipment, and ineffective programs are a

result of trainers not having a full understanding of basic neuromuscular


If you understand how a muscle responds to a training stimulus, and what is

required to produce adaptations in the body, you won't get suckered into

squatting on a ball and other exercises in futility.

I know my University education has helped me far more than any certification

I've ever had.

P1: How exactly did you get into strength training?

CB: I dunno, just started way back at age 16. York Universal set in the

basement, traded that in and started free weights after a few months. Read

all the muscle magazines. Learned more at University. Really started

figuring things out in the Master's Degree, and really feel I see the big

picture now.

So all this has led to Turbulence Training, which is a fusion of

bodybuilding, bodyweight, and athletic training methods to help people burn

body fat and get fit. Again, totally different from the inefficient marathon

mentality that has been popularized by the aerobics and cardio crew.

P1: You are known for your incredible program Turbulence Training, a no nonsense, easy to follow plan for true body composition transformation. How and when could you implement Turbulence Training for athletic performance versus body transformation?

CB: There's very little difference between the Turbulence Training for Athletes

and TT for Fat Loss.

Each program uses a bodyweight warm-up. None of that walk on the treadmill

to warmup your core-temperature BS. Since when does the temperature of your

ass determine your performance and technique in strength training? Never. It


So we do a general bodyweight warm-up. The only difference between fat loss

and athlete training is we'll probably do more bodyweight exercises and more

lateral movements for the athletes to prepare the groin for lateral strength

or interval training.

Then both programs follow that up with strength training.

P1: Can athletes gain muscle but not lose speed with Turbulence Training?

CB: Certainly, and if they lose body fat they will really get faster. Body fat is dead weight. You can't afford to be carrying excess fat if you're an athlete.

P1: What is the role of nutrition for athletes and performance training to get stronger and faster?

Nutrition is the #1 factor for fat loss, and it ranks only behind training when it comes to getting stronger and faster. Proper nutrition is part of the recovery process that most athletes don't pay enough attention to.

Eat as much healthy food as possible, and stay away from junk.

P1: Could you give some advice to those athletes and trainers that are just beginning a structured weight program?

CB: Learn how to do the movements with bodyweight only first. In fact, spend some time getting good at the difficult bodyweight exercises first, such as pullups, bodyweight rows, 1-leg squats, glute ham raises, and advanced pushups.

Then slowly move into structured weight training. You shouldn't follow high volume bodybuilding programs. They will leave you sore and fatigued and not able to train. Low volume, high intensity strength training is the ultimate goal for an athlete's strength program.

P1: Craig, you are published everywhere! What advice would you give to anyone interested in writing articles for a major publication?

CB: My advice is not the best. I just find the people i want to contact and then bombard them with ideas - not full articles, but ideas - catchy, hook ideas that will raise their eyebrows. Or I ask for an introduction to a new contact from one of my old contacts.

P1: Who has influenced you the most in your professional career and what did you learn from them?

CB: University professors. Once you learn the basics, you should be able to get "it", and most importantly, you won't "fall under the spell" of a single coach if you simply understand neuromuscular physiology.

P1: Could you explain to us your training philosophy and what are your goals as a sport performance trainer?

CB: Get an athlete stronger, make sure they are able to move with co-ordination,

don't hurt them, don't interfere with their skill training, and just focus on their physical weaknesses. That is what I want to do with my programs for athletes.

P1: You are always busy with something new, what new projects can we expect from you in the future and where can we find them?

CB: I have my seminar for fitness experts that want to succeed online, www.OnlineSuperProfits.com and I'll be adding coaching groups to that aspect

of the fitness business in 2008.

And I am continuing to increase the number of athletes and everyday people

using my fat loss programs from www.TurbulenceTraining.com, as well as my

unique monthly workouts from www.TTmembers.com - one month it might be

advanced bodyweight training, the next month fat loss for women, then a

muscle building program, or even a kettlebell workout.

Showing people and athletes how to get results fast so they can spend their

time doing things they love and need to do, not spending hours in the gym.

P1: Any final statements you would like to add, and please don't > hold back...lol?

CB: Strength training is pretty simple. It's not rocket science. So don't make

it out to be harder than it is.

If you want to get strong, seek out the strong. Find out what they do - and

you'll quickly find out the basics are the foundation of any successful


Diet Tips for Weight Loss: Free Diet Tips Which You Can't Afford to Miss!

Obesity is a disease that is not caused by a bacteria or virus but a person's own eating habits. It is a disease which is very easy to get rid of just by changing your food habits. Shifting excess kilos is as easy as making a few changes in your eating habits and food mind-set. Here are a few tips that will help you get rid of that bulge.

Free Healthy diet Tips for weight loss!

1) Stay away from diet food that you don't enjoy eating. Food should be pleasurable not painful.

2) Replace your cooking oil with a spray oil. Cooking oil contains alot more calories than spray oil.

3) Make food tastier by adding seasonings such as garlic, herbs, and spices rather than butter or oil.

4) If you are thirsty drink water rather than a cold drink. Water contains zero calories.

5) Go in for more green vegetables and cereals. Improve your eating habits and take my words you will lead a healthy and happy life!!.

6) Dont eat while watching TV or while reading. People tend to eat more while watching TV.

7) Avoid Red Meat and prefer Fish. People who generally consume large quantities of red meat are more prone to colon cancer as per the studies. It increases the probability of getting effected up to 50%. Red meat can be beef, pork or lamb. On the other hand, chicken and fish lower the risk of developing colon cancer.

8) weight loss pills do not help in long run. Slow and gradual Weight Loss is the best way to loose Weight

Hungry for more? Check out more such effective healthy diet tips for weight loss at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Diet%20tips%20for%20weightloss.htm

Weight Loss Exercise For Women At Home

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Weight Loss Exercise For Women At Home

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6 Fat Burning Exercises for Men to Lose Stomach Fat

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

German Diet - Lose 15 Pounds Fast

German diet will help you to lose 15 pounds fast and easy. This diet was developed by German nutrition experts for overweight women to solve their health problems fast and safe. Using this German diet you will be able to lose 15 pounds in 13 days.

This diet is very simple but it won't totally remove feeling of hunger, you will still feel easy feeling of hunger. If you agree to suffer from time to time from hunger to reach your goals, this diet is for you. On the other hand you will feel energy awakening in yourself, use it for physical activity or to do some physical exercises.

Here is the diet plan:

Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 80 g of spinach mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 tomato.

Dinner: 100 g of boiled chicken breast without skin, 150 g of vegetable salad made of tomatoes and green onions mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of salad made of tomatoes and white cabbage mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 orange or 2 mandarins, 1 big apple or a few plums.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled chicken meat without skin, 80 g of green salad.

Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 200 g of boiled carrots mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 100 g of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: 250 g of salad made of apple, mandarin, banana, pear or any other fruit.

Breakfast: 1 glass of natural apple juice.

Lunch: 250 g of fried (fry without oil) or boiled fish, 1 tomato, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g of vegetable salad made of any vegetables and mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or lemon juice.

Breakfast: 1 glass of natural carrot juice.

Lunch: 200 g of roast chicken (without oil), 100 g of vegetable salad made of any vegetables.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of carrot salad made of boiled carrots mixed with lemon juice.

Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of fried (without oil) beef, 150 g of salad made of white cabbage mixed with lemon juice.

Dinner: 100 g of carrots mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 150 g of low-fat cheese.

Breakfast: a cup tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken without skin.

Dinner: 300 g of any fruits (apples, pears, plums, oranges, etc.).

For other 6 days repeat the diet plan beginning from day 2.

It is necessary to follow German diet as it is without changing sequence of dishes or menu. It is recommended to consume a big glass of water before each meal.

If you think that you will be able to follow this diet plan and it is very easy for you, try another German diet which will help you to lose pounds amazingly fast but it is still recommended to try 1 German diet plan which is above.

It is very simple but it's a monotonous diet. Here it is:
Every day it is necessary to eat 4-5 apples, 1 orange, 80 g of low-fat chicken, 2 small toasts made of black bread or 2 small slices of black bread. Duration of this diet is 2 weeks.
Get details of a remarkably successful quick weight loss strategy that will help you to
Lose Pounds Fast.

For more information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at:http://lose-pounds-fast.howtoeasyway.com/lose-pounds-fast/

Video Source: Youtube

How to Exercise Efficiently

Researchers at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering and Pennsylvania State University are explaining how “all animals bear the same stamp of physics in their design.” (http://www.dukenews.duke.edu/2005/12/locomotiontheory.html)

The researchers show that “constructal theory” is a powerful analytical approach to describing movement, or flows, in nature.

Adrian Bejan, J. A. Jones Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke’s Pratt School reports that in the case of animal locomotion, “animals move such that they travel the greatest distance while expending the least amount of energy.”

“The theory applies to virtually everything that moves,” Bejan said.

This is what I took home from the article: All animals attempt to be efficient when it comes to movement. This is probably subconscious for the most part.

A related article “The Best exercise for Your Brain and Body” http://www.hiptobefit.com/node/36 describes the brain preferring muscle synergies (muscles working together in groups) so as to be more efficient with movement.

The human body’s architecture is such that it enables fluid movement when allowed to perform optimally. The skeletal system, muscular system and ligamentous system is arranged to work in harmony to expend the least amount of energy for the task desired.

Muscle fibers are orchestrated in a manner to promote multi-planar movement. This helps the body produce more force, which in turn makes it more adept at achieving desired movement results.

As mentioned in “The Best exercise” article, the nervous system along with the help of the proprioceptors, gives the brain (and spinal cord) constant feedback to make the body more proficient.

Ligaments and joint capsules protect the joints from unwanted and extreme movement and also give feedback to ensure movement competence.

Our system and, it appears, all animal species’ systems, are designed rather well for success.

As children we are “wired “with all the right movement patterns for success. As we age and develop poor postures, inflexible musculature and other compensations due to poor movement habits…we “foul up” the system.

It would seem to make sense that our best movement strategy would be to let the body move as it is designed to move. We would be successful by leaving well enough alone. “Don’t try to fix what ain’t broke”- so to speak.

We are “messing with nature.”

So, how can we keep from altering nature? How do we keep from developing poor movement habits; and better yet un-do existing ones?

I think it is fairly simple and something that can be achieved quickly. As the saying goes, we will have to jump over to “the simple side of complexity.”

The body is a complex organism. However, it is already designed for us to be successful. We just need to take advantage of the arrangement and work with it instead of against it. This will improve our overall health and fitness.

Here are some key points to allow this to happen:

Perform a daily exercise routine that works the body in all three planes of motion. These planes are the sagittal, frontal and transverse (front to back, side to side and rotational). This action alone will allow the muscles to operate as designed and give proper feedback to the brain and spinal cord. Sending proper information to the “control tower” will result in better movement outcomes (posture, flexibility, reflexes, muscle and ligament strength).

Exercise with the movement goal in mind. What does your body have to do on a daily basis? What postures, movement patterns and activities do you ask it to do? How do you need to prepare for its ultimate success? What exercises and/or stretches must you perform to prevent problems?

If I am a computer programmer, I want to make sure I do exercise routines to stimulate my muscles to help keep my metabolism at levels to prevent excessive weight gain. I want to make sure I do flexibility routines to prevent muscle tightness and poor posturing. I need to make sure I take several breaks throughout the day to at least adjust my posture and possibly do quick exercise routines to stimulate my brain.

Stop introducing unnatural exercises and exercise machines to your system. A basic rule of thumb is to evaluate your routine based on its functionality. Do you do a movement like this on a daily basis? Does a particular machine put you in a non-functional environment?

Pretty much any exercise that “isolates” a muscle is unnatural. The brain recognizes muscle synergies, so isolating a muscle confuses the brain. Examples: seated leg extensions, machine biceps curls, pec (chest) machine.

Get on your feet and work in 3 planes of motion. Allow the muscles to “load and explode” (lengthen and contract) through the available range of motion (i.e. not too extreme range under tension as to cause injury).

Lastly, feed the system nutrients. Start with water; half an ounce to one ounce of water per pound of body weight. Keep your body hydrated to ensure proper functioning - not to mention clearer thinking.

I recommend 2.5 grams of carbohydrates for every gram of protein. Breads, fruits and vegetables (carbohydrates), provide the main energy source for our bodies. Meat, fish, dairy products and nuts (protein), provide the major building blocks for all the cells in our body.

In general, whole foods are better than processed. Stay away from sugar, flour, and high fat oils.

We can aid the architecture of our body by working with our natural system and avoiding habits that work against it.

We are born with all the tools for movement success; it’s how we develop these tools over time that makes the difference in our health and fitness.

As a wise man said long ago:

“If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.” -Socrates

Copyright 2006 John Perry

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Lose Weight Fast | Lose 20lbs in 30 Days | Fat Burning Workout | Part 1 of 4 by HASfit 081711

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Burn 1000 Calories With No Exercise Tasty Weight Loss Eat Less Stop Cravings See Studies Below

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Exercises to Correct Scoliosis

A question that people normally ask is whether exercises to correct scoliosis are effective. Scoliosis is the lateral curvature of the spine. It is a progressive disease. Experts feel that exercises to correct scoliosis are not that effective, as little evidence is found about the effectiveness of exercises. However, exercises do help in slowing down the progress of the spinal curvature and allow for some reduction in the angle of curvature. Stretching exercises are performed to increase the mobility of the spine in the right direction. The physical therapist also tries to improve the muscle tone and posture. The thrust of these exercises is to exert corrective force on the spine in the direction opposite the direction of the curve.

Scoliosis Braces and Exercise to Correct Scoliosis

People wearing scoliosis braces are often suggested exercise to correct scoliosis. These exercises are aimed at helping the wearer adapt to the brace, to allow for correction of the spinal deformity, and to improve trunk muscular tone during the period braces are worn. Braces tend to lead the muscles into losing muscle tone. The physical therapist suggests other exercises for trunk and pelvic correction, which are required to be performed everyday.

Exercise to correct scoliosis does help in a limited way to reduce curve angles by several degrees. This has found to help the breathing process in people who do these exercises regularly. It has not been observed whether the improvement in curvature is of permanent nature. Exercises are not an alternative to surgery procedure. Where surgery is recommended, it should not be delayed in favor of therapeutic exercise.

Scoliosis is not related to flexibility issues or lack of strength. Thus, exercise to correct scoliosis is relatively ineffective. However, scoliosis does not act as a deterrent to normal physical activity. Children and teenagers with scoliosis can participate in sports and recreational activities. They can even perform normal exercises that help build muscle strength and endurance. They can even train to improve their cardiovascular conditioning like normal people.

How to use Metamucil for FAST Weight Loss for Women & Men

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How to (lose weight) fast (I lost 30 pounds)

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